Dow Corning & Dow Chemical 整合計畫概述
Dow Corning整合計畫活動概述
2016年6月,Dow Corning 已與Dow Chemical合併.為了提供客戶更好的服務品質展開了更近一步的整併計畫.而此計畫也是目前的首要任務.
這個計畫涵蓋多樣的系統&作業流程,包含:全系統的SAP/企業資源計畫(ERP)整併. 這努力將會提供客戶達到更專業&易找尋產品,更多的採購選擇&提升信賴度. 主要的活動包含:
• 因為統一化的建立需求,既有Existing Dow Corning® & Dow Corning Toray 產品商標將會停止使用
• 新的品牌名, DOWSILTM, 將會取代大多數Dow Corning® & Dow Corning Toray
• 品牌 (參考以下圖表)
• 產品描述將不會改變(參考以下圖表)
• 標籤, 安全資料以及其他文件將會被更新
• 相關化學證書將會在整合資訊中心網站中 (
• 註冊資訊&證書將會被更新
• 大宗貨&單品項管理將不會被改變(保留)– 原料數字將會被稱之為GMIDs
• 全球大多數的Dow Corning 法人將會被整併進Dow法人
• 改變將會提升效率,協助更好的服務品質
• 這個改變將有可能會影響到Dow Corning 法人名&地址 , 歐盟稅號, 統一編號, 和採購&開票相關流程. (標
記: 生產地將不會改變)
• 標籤,安全資料以及其他的文件將會被更新.
• 將會取代原有網站 & platforms
• 客戶們可以預期更簡單,更愉悅的線上收尋&採購經驗
• 特色包含,客戶喜歡的 線上-採購平台, e-commerce platform,
• 客戶們將會收到關於如何更新密碼資訊
• 客戶憑證&未結訂單將會被自動調動
June 2016 marked the successful transfer of full ownership of Dow Corning to The Dow Chemical Company. Work is underway to further integrate the two businesses, putting them closer to serving customers better. Ensuring a positive experience for customers throughout this integration is a top priority.
Key Integration Activities
This project involves multiple systems and processes, including a full SAP/enterprise resource planning (ERP) integration. This effort will help provide customers with greater access to expertise and products, more buying options and improved reliability. Key activities include:
Product branding updates
• Existing Dow Corning® and Dow Corning Toray product brands are being phased out, as a
requirement of the ownership restructuring
• A new product brand name, DOWSILTM, will replace most Dow Corning® and Dow Corning Toray
branded products (see chart below)
• Product descriptors will not change (see chart below)
• Labels, safety data sheets and other documentation will be updated
• Chemical equivalency certi cates are available on the integration information center website
• Registrations and certi cations will be renewed
• The vast majority of material numbers and SKUs will remain unchanged – material numbers will now
be called GMIDs
Legal entity changes
• Many Dow Corning legal entities globally will be consolidated into Dow legal entities
• Changes will enable greater ef ciency, helping to serve customers better
• There may be impact to Dow Corning legal entity names and addresses, VAT numbers, tax ID
numbers, and processes related to purchasing and billing (Note: physical locations of facilities will
not change)
• Labels, safety data sheets and other documentation will be updated
New website
• The website will replace the and platforms
• Customers can expect a simpler, more enjoyable online search and buying experience
• Features include what customers liked about the e-commerce platform, such as
order commitment and real-time product availability
• Customers will receive information about logging in and how to update passwords
• Customer credentials and open orders automatically will transfer
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